Monthly "Founding" Membership


Limited "Founding" Member Monthly rate

Take advantage of the introductory "Founding" members rate that will not increase as long as you remain a member!



Yearly "Founding" Membership

$499.50 / Year

Discounted $99.90 from monthly "Founding" Membership option

Save big when you buy the yearly membership option.

Receive 12 months of Airplane Envy's lessons, projects and technical support for the price of 10 months.


Join Airplane Envy DIY Membership today to begin the journey to your amazing airplane!


This is a unique opportunity to join as a "Founding Member" and enjoy 50% off of the $100.00 regular monthly "Member" rate. 

"Founding Members" will benefit from one-on-one attention as the site develops and your project becomes woven into the lessons and content moving forward. 

What you'll get:      

  • A membership specifically tailored to you, the airplane owner. 
  • In depth, technique rich videos and text designed to assist any skill level.
  • Content focused on the cosmetic resurrection both inside and outside of your airplane.
  • "Project of the Month" video to guide you through useful ancillary projects like pre-heaters, wing jacks, tie-down kits, and tugs, just to name a few.
  • Finally, for the for the owner considering major lengthy projects, the option to upgrade to more access and technical support is always available.

We look forward to helping with your project!

The monthly rate at the time you join will remain the same as long as you are a member!

No contract and you may cancel at any time.

No matter the project, inside or out, go forward with confidence knowing that you have a partner in Airplane Envy!
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Airplane Envy DIY Membership

The resource, guidance and expertise  you need to tackle the projects your airplane needs!

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